Monday, May 17, 2010

Beat the Bridge 8K Recap

First, let me just say that this was is kind of my "redemption" race.  Two years ago at the Beat the Bridge '08, I totally bombed it.  Trav and I did not beat the bridge, we walked tons, and basically freaking died at the end.  That is when I realized that I was not in fighting shape anymore (like I said in my last post), and I seriously started training.  My "first" race back in the game was supposed to be the Jingle Bell Dash in Dec. 2008...but due to a crazy snow storm, I couldn't get my car up my neighborhood's hill and had to miss the race (I hate hate hate missing races).  So, next up was the March 2009 St. Paddy's Day Dash...and I had fun!  But of course, it snowed DURING that race, and I was a popsicle at the end....and thus, I became a runner/racer again...and I haven't looked back since. :)

Back to this year's Beat the Bridge.
I get super excited about this race because 1) it's for a cause that's dear to me, 2) it's sponsored by my beloved Nordstrom peeps and 3) it's on my college campus.  Going into this race this time around, I just wanted to beat the bridge (duh) and enjoy everything else.  Mission complete.

The first two miles (until the bridge) I gave it all I could (8:42 and 8:37 pace).  After crossing the bridge (and trying not to get my awesome Lunars stuck in the metal grating), I walked a little to get my heart rate back down.  I felt great!  Perhaps I was imagining Goober "running" too.  There were a couple of runner dad's with their infants in jogging strollers on the sidelines, probably cheering for Momma.  I thought to myself..."that's Trav and little Goob next year!"

The last three miles were at a decent pace, and I wasn't really out of breath.  However, I found the dude-I-want-to-chick-at-the-end because he totally turned around for the out-and-back before the actual cone.  Good going, "guy in the Misfits shirt," you've been targeted.  He seriously didn't look like he was doing well, and of course, about a quarter mile before the finish I caught up to him and he actually started to walk!  Heh heh.  That's what you get...
Finishing strong!

I picked up the pace a little more for the last mile, and I tried my best at my finish line kick.  Crossed the line and saw Trav smiling at me.  Yay! 

Side Note: Trav was an awesome race photographer for me, and I hope he knows that it means a lot when he attends my races!

After this race, Trav and I like to walk around campus and reminisce a little.  It was gorgeous out, and the campus was amazing.  My old Biz School has a new building going up, and it's so awesome!  The architecture is right up Trav's alley and we were admiring it for a while (it opens in the Fall and I can't wait to visit!).  These walks make us both miss school.  A little.  Maybe more?  A heck, I want to get my Masters....

So there you have it!  Goober's 4th race!  :)  Bring on the next!

Final Stats:
Mileage - 4.97
Time - 45:11
Overall - 2330 out of  5427
Division Place - 234 out of 731 (F25-29)
Sex Place - 903 out of 2973
Pace - 9:06


  1. Having the goob cheer you on is awesome! my guy is 3 now and he can't wait to run his first race!

  2. Congrats Z and little G on a great race!

  3. Awesome job Zoë!! It's always a sweet thing to go back and conquer a race like that. You rock!

  4. Congrats Zoe & Goober! Support from the hubs is awesome.

  5. Fun recap! Great job beating the bridge!! How far is 8K exactly? I love how you start to notice the strollers and babies and stuff like that!!

    I think you should go back for your masters! I started mine when Levi was 9 months! It was perfect because I was able to stay home with him for a while, study while he played around then study at night until after his second middle of the night feeding frenzy! You can do it!!!

  6. I love that you thought about Goober in the stroller next year...too cute!! Trav will have the tough job then.

    Oh a GOAL Masters!! Love it!

  7. Way to go, both you and Goober. Nice pictures too, the weather must have been perfect for it.

  8. Great job beating that bridge! Just out of curiosity, how long do you have to cross it before they put it up?

  9. Congrats! All those pictures are awesome and one day you will get to show little Goober that he/she beat the bridge with you! So fun!

  10. yeahhh Zoe! great Job...and good job to little Goober for being nice and letting you feel well!

  11. Congrats! I'm glad that you enjoyed the race.

  12. Great pics, great race!!!

    You look so cute out there!!!

    Way to rock it girl!

  13. Nice stats, especially for a mommy to be!!

  14. man little goober is going to have some big shoes to fill! 4 races already... he's got some pr's to break :)

    congrats on a strong race, love the pics!

  15. Great job on the race. Your time is great!!

  16. Way To get even with the course Zoe! Also way to chick the dude. Can you belive that? Turning around *in front of the cone*? I would have tripped him.

  17. Great race - and pics!

    Winks & Smiles,


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