Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Epic Sunday Run

Sunday was a "long run" day and boy, it was GORGEOUS. The air quality in the area has been terrible, fog/smog and a county-wide burn ban in effect for a week. However I picked a day with clear skies and warm sun to run to the Puget Sound, and it made my day. :)

Of course there were pictures to be taken along the waterfront, and short breaks to admire the wildlife and views. 

The ocean sculptures/artwork in the below pictures are from my elementary school back in 1993.  I realized that we had made these twenty years ago!  That's insane!  Of course, my sea cucumber looks rather phallic, but I didn't know that when I was 9...give me a break. ;)

Let me tell you that the sun was deceiving, it was freaking cold in the shade!  The runners I saw along the way were bundled in long running tights, long sleeved shirts, jackets, ear warmers, gloves and hats...and here I was in my CW-X capris and short sleeved shirt.  What?  I get too hot.  All in all, it was a very refreshing run totaling 6.8 miles of sightseeing. 

Can you spot my sea cucumber?
My "starfish"

Dedication plaque from my school, Whittier Elementary

These two ducks were swimming in fast circles, over and over and over again


  1. SUN? What? I went for a long run on Sunday, too, and it was foggy. And freeeeezing!

  2. that is absolutely awesome that you are able to go back and visit and see art that you created so long ago and even show goober as well!

  3. I think your starfish looks pretty good for a 9 year old making it. I am 29 and probably couldn't make a starfish look like a starfish. I am not artistic at all!

  4. Beautiful pictures!! What a great place to run!

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