Friday, May 25, 2012

Well, hello there!

Hi! I've taken a little time off blogging for a couple reasons and some big changes: moving to a smaller house in Seattle, finding a daycare for Goober and getting a new job. Exciting stuff!

More recaps and news to come!

In the meantime, I got to meet Kim & her little stud muffin little one for a run today! We had a warm/sunny/windy 4 mile jaunt on the trail, then it started thundering and pouring rain JUST as we both got in our cars to leave. It was such a freakshow of a storm! By the time I got home it was so blustery that tree branches were falling in my backyard! It.was.WEIRD. But it was so fun meeting Kim (finally!).

What are your weekend plans?


  1. Wow, lots of changes for you, hope everything goes as smoothly as possible :) I have a 5k on Sunday and my baby girl is 15 months as of today!

  2. You really have a ton on your plate right now! Hope it all goes smoothly and enjoyably :)

    My big weekend plans are to survive my husband being out of town. I think I might just lay kind of low with the kids.

  3. Good luck with your move and your new job. That's exciting!!

  4. Yaaaayyy you!!!! I want to hear everything!! Need help moving?! :-)

  5. So fun to meet you guys and go for a run! Your Goober is so cute!! Glad we got a run in here before you guys move. Hopefully we'll see you around... maybe at See Jane Run at least!

  6. lots of changes for you...glad you are well and had a great run with friends!

  7. Wow! Those are some big changes! Best of luck with everything new that's happening!

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