Friday, October 21, 2011


Goob & I on a daily walk in Shanghai
After being kept up by a screaming/crying/tantrum-throwing 11 month old Goober sleep ninja at 4am, I just couldn't go back to sleep.  What did I do?  I went downstairs and dusted.  Yeah, dusted.  Then I laced up my good 'ol Brooks Adrenalines, pulled on my wickedly awesome black running tights, grabbed the GUS and headed out for a shock-of-a run.  You know what?  It kinda rocked.  The run did, not me (at.all).

I fell off the running bandwagon while battling my injury known as "Living in Shanghai, China..." for 6 full weeks.  I tried my hardest to hold on to that bandwagon's taillight and after being dragged for a couple miles, I let go.  Ego bruised and Running Skirt torn, I decided walking around the city was a safer, easier bet while taking care of the Goober monster 24/7.  Alas, it was defeat for the moment. *le sigh*

What does 6 weeks of non-running do to a runner?  Nothing.  It seriously turns you into nothing.  A big pile-o-nothing.  My endurance is completely gone, and speed is lacking.  My lungs burned after a mile.  HA!  And I'm a "Marathoner," folks.  Embarrassing, yes.  But you know what?
Running felt GOOD.  

I have a HALF marathon to train for--and it's in a month.  Another HA!  Not looking for any PR's, that's for certain.  But it's a goal for training.

So with that I say, BOOYAH.  I'm BACK!


  1. Welcome back! I see Washington welcomed you back with some rain today! :)

  2. I'm so glad you're back! Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow morning :)

  3. All it takes is for one good run to get you right back into the swing of things. Running is always there for you.

  4. Welcome back! It's amazing how idleness can zap your running ability. Right now baby no. 1 is keepIng me off the streets because my body just won't run. I'm not looking forward to building my endurance back after this :(

  5. Yay!! Welcome back!! You are so back!

  6. Welcome back!! Yeah it sucks starting back up again but at least it's not as bad as taking 7 months off...I did for my babycakes and oh my it has been hard work to get where I'm at and I still have a ways to go. You'll be back to your running self in no time :)

  7. Heck yeah! Completing channeling the excitement. Welcome back!

  8. Awesome! Glad to hear it! Have you found any cool places to run in Shanghai?

  9. Yay! Welcome back!! You'll get your endurance and cardio HAVE to!! I have had about as much time off as you (too bad I wan't in China though) but I'm hoping to get my running you have to too!!

    What 1/2 are you doing???

  10. Welcome home, and welcome back to running!


Thanks for visiting! You're a rockstar!


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