Friday, April 8, 2011

You Asked! I Answered! (Part 2)


Lindsay asked:
  • "No SSN? about bank account number?"  -  Ah yes!  Please send me money via a deceased Nigerian diplomat with no heirs but me.  555-55-555555!
  • "What is your #1 favorite outfit in your closet (can be running or non-running)?"  -  My favorite outfit is my "grown-up" dress that I bought while still working for Nordstrom corporate.  It's a beautiful purple, form-fitting dress with a little 40s flair: tiny patent leather black belt and button detail on the collar.  It fit me like a glove and I would pair it with my leather biker jacket (also from Nordies) and some peep-toe red heels.  Ahhhh.  I miss being able to wear that outfit!  Perhaps again soon when my job is more than changing poopy diapers and making oogly faces at a small human. ;)
Kimberly asked:
  • "How far along into your pregnancy did you run?"  -  My last race was the late September You Go Girl 10K, and I was about 8 months along.  Mainly walked/jogged at around this time.
  • "When and why did you stop?"  -  I had groin/hip problems and so running was just not easy at the time, so I started swimming and taking water aerobics instead.  It was fun at the H20 Aerobics class because I was practically the youngest one there...gotta love those really dedicated water workout women!
  • "How soon after the baby did it take for you to feel like yourself in terms of running?"  -  You know, it seemed to take awhile.  My speed is not where it was yet, but I'm still trying to regain some of that core strength I lost.  I think I only started to feel comfortable only about a month and a half ago (and Goober's 5 months now).  So many things are different when running after being pregnant, it either takes some getting used to or it gets better with time. 
Marlene asked:
  • "Who is your FAVORITE Canadian who has come to visit?"  -  Hands down, Ryan Reynolds.  Oh shoot, he hasn't visited.  Mannnn!  Then Marlene, of course!
  • "Fave food?"  -  It's a weird one, but I love a toasted bagel with peanut butter and turkey bacon.  Ohmygosh.  My mum introduced me to it years ago and it's my favorite...I just don't have it often.  A close second would be mint chocolate chip ice cream.  So healthy!  Ha!
  • "Fave color?"  -  I've always loved blue, but I'm a sucker for red shoes.
  • "Fave TV show?"  -  I love The Office like it's candy.  Oh, and I totally dig the CSI shows, both Vegas and NYC...the Miami one I can't take seriously because of Horatio dude.  Other shows I watch either On Demand or by DVD are Mad Men, One Tree Hill, South Park, SNL, Hard Times of RJ Berger just to name a few.  I rarely watch something when it's actually on TV.  Wow.  It really looks like I watch a lot of TV, huh?  Eh, notsomuch, I promise.
Oh CSI Miami...funny stuff.
Jen asked:
  • "Favorite flavor ice cream?"  -  You know, I love some mint choco chip, but coffee ice cream is amazing too!
  • "Favorite place to get coffee?"  -  Oh goodness.  There's this small Italian coffee shop on Olive Way in downtown Seattle called Caffe Senso Unico and it has amazing coffee.  I don't particularly think that Starbucks coffee actually tastes good, and this is the birthplace of the 'Bucks. :(
  • "If you were a song what song would you be?"  -  This is a good question.  I've never really thought about this!  I'd have to say "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen simply because it has a little bit of everything: ballad, opera, kick-butt it!  It's just a song that I love singing along to.
  • "Favorite running gear - like a must have on all runs?"  -  Gus my Garmin Forerunner 305, iPhone, Road ID, mint gum, inhaler on long runs, sunglasses, and my pink hat if it's raining. 


  1. YAY thank you, thank you, I KNEW IT! hehe. Thanks for answering my other silly questions too. Bagel with PB and turkey bacon? That sounds incredibly odd but MAYBE I'll try it. Maybe!

    That Nordies outfit sounds FABULOUS.

  2. You worked for Nordstrom. Jealous.

    Your fave food is one of my favorite breakfast foods!!

  3. So fun, Zoe! That guy on CSI Miami cracks me up.

  4. thanks so much for checking out my blog and my giveaway!! also thanks for letting my know about the running swag site! It looks awesome :) I am excited and looking forward to following your blog now as well :) have a fabulous night!

  5. Love the cartoon. That's the same reason I don't watch it. NYC is getting like that a little: I watched it tonight and wondered if the cast looks for the cheesy lines when they first get their scripts...

  6. What did you do in the corporate offices? I'm there in NPG right now. It's a great place to work. I've been following your blog for a couple months now. I'm a fellow runner and expecting my first baby in June! I think I'm down in your neck of the woods too so I enjoy getting ideas of places to run once I can start again. Can't wait to start using the jogging stroller! :)

  7. no photo of this dress? we will need to find a reason for you to wear it again so we can see it. i laughed that you included my nigeria question haha. off to withdraw some cash!


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