Thursday, March 10, 2011

"How You GU'in?" - Review & Giveaway

In perfect Joey form, I ask you this:
How you GU'in?

My first GU was the night before my first half marathon: the Seattle Half in November of 2009.  Since GU was to be distributed on the course, I figured I give one a try.  I even have a picture as proof!
Carb loading at The Rock
My first impression with the flavor (Lemon Lime) was that it tasted like Jell-o, but had a gooey consistency that I thought was a little weird.  Not my favorite, I must admit.  However, Tall Mom Mel introduced me to Mint Chocolate GU that following December and, well, the rest is history.  My favorite flavors are the ones that I can pretend are pudding or frosting: Vanilla Bean, Mint Chocolate, Espresso Love, etc.  I swear, give me one of these GUs and I could slather it all over a muffin--they're good!

Now let's talk energy.  

When I take GUs, especially the ones with caffeine, I feel a little kick within minutes.  They give you just the right amount of get-up-and-go without feeling like you have a full tummy.  Now, GUing on the run can be a little tough.  You have to open the package (and in cold weather, it's a lot harder to do with frozen hands!), then squeeze the stuff from the package without getting it all over your hands and face (it takes a few tries! Really!), then you have to swallow it, all while maintaining a pace and breathing.  Yes, breathing.  You MUST remember to breathe.  You see, it's really tough for me to GU on the Go because I almost always choke on the stuff due to its consistency.  BUT, that's just me.  There are plenty of people I know that don't have a problem with this at all.  I guess it's an art form.

I was thankful and happy when I got to try out GU Chomps as an alternative to the GU Energy gel during my long runs.  Oh. My. Goodness.  MUCH better!  I can eat the energy chews so much easier while running, and I don't have the fear of choking and looking like an idiot with brown GU all over my face...or on my butt (true story!  It doesn't look, um, like energy gel when it's on your pants).  The Chomps are just like gummy candy, and they taste fantastic.  It's just the right amount of sweet.  My favorite flavor is Watermelon.  Mmmm.  I drooled on my keyboard.

GU Roctane is like the sassy older sister of the GU energy gel.  It contains everything that the original GU gel has, but with increased amino acids that slow the build-up of lactic acid in muscles as well as other ingredients that keep your body going longer and promote a quicker recovery.  Plus, the flavors are more on the crazy side (Cherry Lime! Pineapple! Vanilla Orange!).

GU Recovery Brew is a great protein/electrolyte/carb/vitamin packed powder that is taken within 30 minutes after training or racing.  It replenishes energy stores and rebuilds muscles, as well as helps you recover from that badass workout you just did.  I tried the Orange Pineapple, and although the flavor sounds fruity, it's not overly intense, but a more bland version so you don't feel like gagging after drinking it.  It definitely helps!

PHEW.  That's my spiel.  You made it!
Now, onto the fun stuff...a GIVEAWAY.

Up for grabs is an assortment of GU products, 
like the picture above.

Here's the scoop on how to win:
(Please leave separate comments for each entry)

Mandatory entry:
First you must be a follower of my blog, then check out the GU Energy site...tell me one interesting thing you learned.  Leave one comment. (1 entry)

Additional entries:
  • "Like" Run, Zoë, Run! on Facebook (1 entry)
  • Follow GU Energy on Twitter (@GUEnergyLabs) (1 entry)
  • "Like" GU Energy Labs on Facebook (1 entry)
  • Link to this giveaway on your blog, Twitter (include @RunZoeRun), or Facebook.  Let me know in a comment (1 entry each)
    • Easy to Tweet about this giveaway by clicking the "Tweet" button below
  • Tell me "How you GU'in?" (1 entry)

The giveaway will end at midnight Tuesday 3/22, with the winner picked via or Miss Goober if she feels so inclined.  Winner announced on Wednesday the 23rd.  OutsidePR will ship the GU directly to winner. :)

**Note:  All reviews are based on my own personal experience with the specific product that I was provided with.  I received these products free of charge from GU Energy/OutsidePR and was not compensated for my review. Product in giveaway provided courtesy of GU Energy Labs.**


  1. Already a follower! woot woot!

  2. I didn't realize Gu has been around for 20 years! Wow!

  3. I like you on facebook!

  4. Following GU on twitter!

  5. I'm a follower. I learned they have a flavor called Just Plain. I'm not sure what plain tastes like and I don't think I want to know. LOL!

  6. I love following your blog and love your posts!

    Gu comes in really handy for short-notice/spur of the moment hikes!

    There's an espresso flavor? No way!
    ;) Hope that's not a decaf version!

  7. I'm new to blog contests. Am I supposed to do separate comments for each item? Yikes.

    In that case, I'm not GU'in very well, but I liked R-Z-R on Facebook, follow GU on twitter and maybe I'm GU'ing a little better now.


    Really, your blog is great. I have a link to it on my blog.

  8. I am a follower :)

    I have only tried the reguarl GU gels but reading about the Roctane-especially this:

    the amino acid complex Ornithine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (OKG) which limits the body's tendency to break down muscle protein tissue during extremely hard training and racing days. OKG keeps you going longer and promotes a speedier recovery.

    Will def give this a try on my next mega-bike ride:)

  9. I already follow GU on Twitter

  10. I love your tweet button!! I have to get one of those for my next giveaway! :D

    Tweeting by hitting the button

  11. I follow... and have learned they have a LOT more flavors that my local stores carry!

  12. posted on the giveaway tab of my blog.

  13. "How you GU'in?"
    I am a GU GIRL!! It's my go-to energy. I typically do the gels, but after reading your post, I really need to try the chomps, roctane and recovery stuff! My favorite flavors are Chocolate and Berry... but I tried a Straw-Banana a couple weeks ago that was really good too. I'm midst training plan right now, and have been trying out some new stuff like powerbars, luna, clif, but still like GU the best!

  14. I like GU on fb...(forgot in my "follow" comment to tell you what I learned - I was reading up on their electrolyte tabs - I am very interested to try them and compare to nuun)

  15. I use chocolate outrage Gu. I can't use the chomps because I am incapable of chewing right while running, lol...

  16. I am a follower and I have learned that GU was the first to launch this type of fuel product.
    This is a perfect giveaway...I'm a GU virgin and training for my first 10 miler, so I would love to try a sampling.

  17. I am a follower. Went to the GU site and was surprised they have been around so long. I thought that was a newer thing.

  18. And...I 'liked' you on FB
    And...I have had RZR on my blogroll for a while
    And...I 'liked' GU enegy

  19. I posted about your giveaway on my blog :)

  20. love GU! i don't have the "on the go" problem you have. please send me some GU! i need it! ;)

  21. i'm following you, liking you and GU on facebook, following GU on twitter. i tweeted a link here. i'm GU'in' fine, thanks!

  22. I am already a follower of your blog and I visted their website. GU has a TON more products that I ever knew about. I wish my local grocery store carried more than they do. I would love to try their Brew tables b/c they have no added calories and no artifical sweetner - I hate the taste of that stuff.

  23. I already like you on facebook =)

  24. I'm a follower - I didn't know GU has "chomps" I want to try those

  25. Linked on my blog (by you...does that count?!)

  26. I follow and I love love the is like rocket fuel

  27. I learned the new Gu Brew tabs are naturally sweetened with stevia... I approve!

  28. awesome giveaway!

    i'm a follower of your blog {love it} and something i learned on the gu website is that they have gu brew electroylte tablets! i had noooo idea! so exciting :) i must find those for my hubs, he is obsessed with nuun after all his long runs!

  29. i also like your blog on facebook!

  30. i also like gu energy labs on facebook too!

  31. how am i gu'in? not well, not well at all. im at the tail end of week 3 of mandatory rest by my doc because of severe shin splints. finally without any pain and hoping to return to running next week! cant wait to get back out there so i can get back to gu'in regularly! haha.
    awesome giveaway, thanks for sharing :)

  32. I didn't realize Gu made so many different products and flavors. What is just plain?

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  33. Oh, and I follow on gfc

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  34. I'm gu'in just fine -- and not bonking on long bike rides. :-)

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  35. Just "liked" GU Energy Labs on Facebook!

  36. Already "like" Run, Zoe, Run on Facebook.

  37. And I'm GU'in just fine now that I totally kicked butt on my 6-miler today :) Mr. Bentley helped pull me to the finish. Would have been better if I had some GU chopms though! Finished my last pack on my 7-miler last Sunday.

    Don't forget to mention that certain flavors are Gluten Free for us Celiacs out there :)

  38. Following you - sounds weird though

  39. Visited the Gu website again - learned that it's still hard to come by in southern WV.

  40. I blogged

  41. I Facebooked!

  42. I follow you, and I learned from the GU website about their new Roctane and how it has added ingredients from their normal GU to help your muscles as well as giving you fuel and energy!

    By the way, Goober is sooo cute!

  43. Well, I'm not really Gu-in yet. I'm trying other things but haven't tried GU. Maybe I'll get the chance ;-P

  44. I love GU! I use it on all my long runs. The roctane is great. I usually pop a roctane in the middle or near the end of my long run.

  45. Woot! I LOVE GU!

    I follow your blog!

  46. I learned that there's a new roctane flavor - cherry lime! MMM, we don't have that one here yet!

  47. already a follower of your blog-

    completely random, but all 3 of your fave flavors that you listed are my top 3.Add in pineapple roctane and we've got a match

  48. had no idea they just released gu brew tablets- how convenient! definitely going to try them out

  49. its sunny w/ a high of 66 today, soooooo i'm gu'in GREAT!!

  50. i am a follower. haven't tried gu...but, will have to try out the chomps. thanks.

  51. Following :) And liked on fb :) I was surprised on how reasonable the prices are actually! Hope I get a chance to sample!

  52. I am a follower, gu was launched in 1991 and was the first energy gel.

  53. i have plenty of gu so don't include me, but i love your title/opener hahaha. how you gu'in? haha i can just hear it in my head.

  54. Posted about the giveaway on fb -!/NikkiSchafer

  55. I like GU on FB (forgot to leave one thing I learned earlier: I totally didn't know they have new flavors out! Sweet!)

  56. I posted your giveaway on my blog:

  57. How am I GU'ing? I'm feeling like I need to get my hands on the new Peach Tea & Cherry Lime flavors! Sounds like a must have for the spring & summer.

  58. i learned that the company has a LOOOOOOT of flavors!! i cant wait to try them!

  59. Linked back again!

  60. In dire need of some more gu. I became a follower :)

  61. The Gu site has more flavors and product than what you see in the store.

  62. I'm "Gu"ing fine. A little sore from all the running I've tried to do while on spring break.

  63. I'm a brand new follower/new runner. Being new, I'm excited to see the ways to boost energy while on a long run, I've always wondered how that worked. Running for three or four hours seemed a bit...impossible.

  64. Posting a link to this on my blog.

  65. I'm gu'in just fine! Thanks for asking! ;)

  66. 'running' after you on Google!

  67. I didn't know GU had been around since 1991.

  68. Blogged about your giveaway tonight!

  69. Like GU on Facebook!

  70. I've only GU'd a few times but I can't wait to try the chomps...they aren't at the local grocery store - or I'm an idiot and didn't know that.

  71. I follow you! I didn't know that GU had the little chomp version. Looks interesting!

  72. There are so many more flavors on the website than in stores!!!

  73. I never realized (like most of the others) that GU had been around for 20 years.


Thanks for visiting! You're a rockstar!


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