Megan & I before the race |
red lipstick makes me run fast. Zoom! In honor of Valentine's Day I wore my finest red
Team Sparkle skirt and bright pink accessories, and of course, red lipstick. And it got me to a 10 second 5K PR! WOOT!
I gave the race my all.
Prior to the 5K was the Kid's Heart Beet race, which Goob ran/walked/cried/was carried by Travis or myself. You see, she LOVES to run and would much rather run than walk...but get her in an organized group of kids and grownups and she freaks out. Oh well. She'll be excited about the little races soon, I'm sure.
Goober did help me stretch:
Stretching is important |
Here's a lovely shot of Goob on the run...please note the woman in the super red running tights. Where do you find such clothing? It's incredible. I cannot
NOT look at them. It's like looking at the sun: you want to, but you shouldn't.
Right before the race began, I got to hang out with not one, not two or three, but
four Meg(h)ans. It was a Meg(h)anpalooza. I was the odd woman out, so I snapped a pic:
Megan, Meghan, Meghan, Megan |
Thankfully the rain held off for the race, and it was a great overcast race day.
Post race happy face:
Thanks, Gus the Garmin. You rock.
Final Results:
Mileage - 3.1
Time - 22:23
Overall - 166 out of 2,424
Division place - 13 out of 488 (F20-29)
Sex place - 47 out of 1,739
Pace - 7:14